Detwiler Wedding in Cayman Brac 10.11.2014 Part 1

October 17, 2014  •  1 Comment


It was an early Oct 9th, at 3:30am to wake up and make the 6:10am flight. After 2 cups of coffee and 1 on the way, I was to the airport, to security (with gentleness), to join old friends and new ones to the Cayman Islands! The fun part was the inside jokes had already been some what established and more to be had for sure. Above all of that, We were all looking forward to celebrating with Ray and Lindsay their marriage!  
This is a 2-part blog post >> Part 2 Link 
A few people have asked about photos. I am glad to share with those who were with me, but know that I was not the photographer. I was just a nerd with a camera and I too am excited to see the photos that Mike and Derek captured from the whole weekend!



What do you do with a mechanical delay that turns into 6 hours of sitting?...

Watch funny YouTube videos of coarse, and enjoy the local airport food! lol

I love the raw expression here

After 6 hours in Grand Cayman, we were on our way to Cayman Brac!

Good Morning Cayman Brac :)

The Hall ladies were our lovely tour guides around the island on Friday morning. 

We went to Rebecca's Cave, which was incredible to walk around and see! The cave has history for the island in saving lives during hurricanes.

Clint & Megan


Jenna and Nicole

Jenna and Nate to the left of Rebecca's cave

Ray & Lindsay

Tall enough caves for even the three, 6 foot+ groomsmen

I like this image because I shot from the hip with a single flash, in the dark, while Ray was laughing

Always a funny one, that Ray

O....ya. The Honeymoon Cottage 

Christopher Columbus discovered Cayman Brac in 1503

Olivia & Clay

Our fun tour driver. I heard He scared Nicole real good in the cave haha. 

3 Generations

92 years young! Granny is a sweety. She drives too! :)

We headed to The Buffs for a wonderful view of the sea from the edge of the island. What a view!

It had to be 150 feet down to the water

Jenna & Nate Kemp

I rarely get in my photos, but Jacquelynn was kind to take my photo.

We went snorkeling the 2 days we were there. The water was very clear. I would say the visability was 120 feet in some areas. 

Video here

Brooks & Erica

We had a rehearsal dinner on Friday night. I wanted to shoot with a nice shallow depth of field for the night on my 50 1.2 and a flash for fill 

Ray was constantly checking on his sister to make sure she was ok. Her lay over was like ours, but solo :(

There were a bunch of Cayman Island contestants at the resort for a contest or something. Ryan grab a photo :)
Funny thing was, Ray held up his camera phone light so my 50 1.2 could focus on something in the low light. *My 50 and 85mm are always a challenge to focus in low light. However my 24-70 and 70-200 are rock stars in low light :)

Part 2 here


Grammy Baxendale Rumbarger(non-registered)
So happy for you, Ray. I am so sad that I have missed so much of your life these last few years due to unforseseen circumstances but I am so happy for you and your lovely bride! May. God bless you both! Love you!
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