Portrait with my friend Darcy 11.13.2014
Did I mention it was cold? As in, "We better hurry! My fingers are going numb!!"? But it was fun!
I emailed Darcy on the end of a Thursday for an impromptu photo shoot. She was excited to, but I then quickly realized: I was 20 miles away, 45 minutes of light left, and getting chilly out there. Now...If you are from Up north...Bite me :P, but the wind really made it worse haha.
I did have a couple of lights, but it getting dark and blood flow was a factor I started with my 85mm 1.2 first to crush the background and squeeze more light in the scene. First image for a test was money. I knew exactly what i was looking for with the long windows to add high contrast and long, vertical lines. We kept shooting with just ambient light, and I then added a hair light(light stand, 600ex rt Maunal at 1/32, CTO filter warm at a 1/2)
This one is my favorite
Added the Hair/ key light
The lights from the adjacent garage gave a nice yellow bokae glow in the reflections. Those are things you sometimes see, or you just adjust and use for fantastic results. I switched to my 70-200
By now we are getting cold, and doing fun shots. Once you have a solid baseline of great photos, you can transition into shots that are more creative and fun. Darcy never did complain about the cold. She was a troppper.
Like this one ;) The end! I had a blast, Darcy!